Wednesday 16 June 2010

Mission to the Unknown....

I'll be posting pics of my 10th Doctor as soon as I have a fine enough brush to do the pinstripes on his suit properly.

In the meantime, I've had some interesting mini's come my way... namely, an 11th Doctor and Amy, AND 50, count 'em 50 2010 design Daleks. The latter were an amazing find - all to the same scale as the Doctors (28mm) and were given away free in packs of 5 with Doctor Who Adventures magazine - £2.20 for 5 minis is always good, and 50 f0r £22 is a fantastic way to get a cheap army :) .

So, my mission - I have a complete Dalek army to paint before I go away in August. Sounds easy? I also have 200 Space Wolves, a Brass Scorpion from Forgeworld, another Doctor and Companion, AND a potential army of either U.N.I.T. or Cybermen to paint in the same time...

Any thoughts or volunteers?