Tuesday 17 August 2010


Ok, I know its been a while for you, but I've been in the vrtex and my last post was actually an hour ago, if you think it was longer, you obviously see time as a straight line and need to look at it as more of a plate of spaghetti...

Right, now that's over, fianlly got the chance to play a game of DWMG today against Jack at Gifts for Geeks: 18 Cyberneomorph Cybermen and 5 Cybermats (Jack) against 13 "iDaleks" (2010 design - me).

The mission: kill the opponent's Unique figures (Cyberleader, Cybercontroller, Supreme Dalek, Eternal Dalek, Strategist Dalek, Scientist Dalek). So in theory, I was outnumbered, but then, I had the Daleks - when aren't we? I also could lose the game, if we both killed all of the Uniques..

We had very different tactics: while Jack focused on killing my Uniques, I decided to thin his ranks to cut down the number of shots he could take against them.

At the end of turn 2, Jack had done no damage to the Daleks, while I'd exterminated 2 Cybermen, 2 Leiutennants and his Controller.

Turn 3 saw Jack finally wound the Eternal, at the loss of another 4 Cybermen.

Jack decided to hide his Cyberleader behind a building, but hadn't counted on the Dalek Drone that had been making its way up the side of the board and was now level with him.

The Cyberleader fell, as did the remaining Cybermen. Final score was a kind of whitewash in every sense of the word: VPs: Cybermen: 0 Daleks: 2, or, in kill terms: Cybermen: 0 Daleks 20.